The story of the Magic Tree and the Little Bird.

There was once a little bird who wished to fly into the unknowable sky. But alas, it thought its wings were too small and weak, and it had a great fear of falling, or more importantly,  a fear of being ridiculed and jeered at if it failed.

One day while walking through the forest, it came upon the ancient and magical wisdom tree, who was singing in the forest. 

The tree's gleaming rich green leaves were dancing in the wind, and its roots were deep, wide and strong, and its trunk tall and towering. The little bird gazed, in awe of this tree, and how it made shade for all under it, blocking out the scorching sun. 

The little bird thought, this tree being so powerful and wise may be able to help, so it kindly requested of the tree some of its wisdom on how to fly? 

The tree said I will not tell you how to fly, but touched his head and magically showed the little bird its past. The bird saw a seed on the ground, being buried and covered with the earth. He saw how the tiny seed felt abandoned and trampled and sad. He saw when the rains came, the seed felt that it was a goner, and he was forgotten and lonely.

The little bird saw the seed do something miraculous, it sprouted roots and then a stem and leaves that burst through the earth into the world above, into the glory of the light. He then saw how it grew and through time, the tree grew into what it was today. 

The bird having this vision immediately realised that its wings were able to fly with its soul potential, but its mind and fears were blocking it from even trying. 

It climbed up the tree and with all its power jumped into its new reality of soaring in the wind and living a completely new life because it made one little, big decision. 

My dear traveler, sometimes in our lives we are like the bird or the seed, but we are in fact meant to grow and fly through the difficult and tough times. 

We are meant to live our best potential! 
So take the leap, test your wings, have patience and break through the soil and showcase your magnificent self to the world, because we need you now more than ever!"

© Inshan Meahjohn 2019


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