Re Ignite Your Inner Light

"The bulb and the candle.

Have you ever really looked at a candle, really looked at it? What does it do when at rest in the dark, it is simply some wax, with a wick in the middle, laying in wait for its chance to truly express its talent and share its hidden gifts. Something magical happens when there is a spark, and the candle is lit, it comes alive, it gives light, it shares light, from one you can light a thousand more.

Have you ever looked at a light bulb when it was off, it looks like its waiting for something, and then, someone turns on a switch, and then it is lit, it illuminates a room, a home, a city, a world.

It brings to my mind the three states of the candle and the bulb, before it is lit, when it is lit and after the light goes out. Where are you today, are you waiting for the spark, or to be switched on, have you lost it, or have you switched off? Are you alight, and alive, or choose to live in the dark?

If you haven't really lit your candle, or turned on your bulb, know that you may be suffering from fear, from doubt and from worry, but something amazing can happen to your entire life, your entire light, if you would allow the great light, the great electricity to make you really come alive.

Sometimes we often spend so much time on looking at the candle, or the bulb, we tend to forget the spark, the switch, or the power that brings it to life.

I challenge you today to go past fear, doubt, worry and the darkness, and Turn On your Light, Allow the Spark to Light your candle and when you have done so and basked in the feeling of being truly alive and have filled your cup, share with another who still lives in the dark."

  © Inshan Meahjohn 2013


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