The Tree

"I love to sway in the wind
I drink from the delicious rain
Feel the sunlight on my green skin
But sometimes I feel intense pain

Pain of my fallen brothers
They were once like me living in peace
Killed by indifferent others
They were sacrificed to give way to the housing increase

Who does man think he is?
He chops and pillages my clan
He forgets that we were also created with him in bliss
Without any compassion for us and the land

Why does man forget that we are his brothers?
We breathe out for his benefit fresh air
He destroys, kills and smothers
He does not treat us fair

I pray that man remembers how
Remember that we are your kin
To live in love, peace and in the now
As what we breathe out, you breathe in

I have hope in Man
As he is our brother
In our ancient covenant we had a plan
To live in Peace with each other

I know that he will look
At all the spaces
That he can replant my brothers
With all man’s smiling faces

I see a future of coexistence
In which we all find a place
That there is no resistance
When we will again embrace"

 © Inshan Meahjohn 2013


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